Cameron Falls, Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada
1st off - I wish to say Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day to all!! enjoy you day!! Keep a smile & I want to Thank You for stoppin' in today!! take care. ( :
"Cameron Falls", was very close walk to our campground. lots of people that day. i took my picture and then ran away. i am not much on loud, noise places. i prefer quiet. one group was a school trip. lots of fat chipmunks running around begging for food. one even tried to stare me down, giving me those cute chipmunk eyes, please feed me, please??! no food from me. i know better than that. it seems others do not. not cool.
quick story, there was a puma sighting (it was even in the area newspapers, it was a big story) and he/she attacked a girl. the rangers killed the puma, which breaks my heart. i feel we are humans in their territory. if we don't do or go by the correct rules, stay back from wildlife, don't feed them, don't do anything with them at all, maybe take a picture or two (from a distance) and MOVE ON. there has to be more to the story than we will never know?!?! wildlife were there 1st. we moved in long after. leave the wildlife alone. they are not pets and need to be left alone. pics taken late August 2014. Beth ( :
Love the you, I would have not wanted to stay if there were a lot of loud people. That is not my idea of enjoyment. And do you ever notice how a lot of people go to a place like that, and take a radio and blast it till you cannot hear? Not that I don't blast mine sometimes, just not out at a place like that.
People just don't get it and think they're doing wildlife favors to feed them. We live around a lot of deer. One of our neighbors seems to feed them from time to time. We'll look out the window and see a line of five or six deer making a beeline to our neighbor's back porch. (It's rare that pumas attack humans, though it has increased with more human encroachment.)
True about the wildlife.....