Cameron Lake, Alberta, Canada

"Cameron Lake", the hubby & i got there and decided to take out their 2 person kayak. we kayak often. we own 2 single person kayaks. so this was real change. an adjustment indeed. but fun all the same.

enjoy this video to see more of in depth closer look into that glorious day. have a ball!!! pics taken late August 2014. Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Beth, what a beautiful spot for kayaking. The views are gorgeous.. Love the photos and the video! Have a great week!
Linda Kay said…
Beth, I don't have the nerve for kayaking at this point, but I sure enjoy your pictures. That lake is awesome.
Wow, that is such a pretty area. Living in cold Wisconsin, I can't seem to rustle up enthusiasm to go any further north. LOL But I would love to visit Alberta someday when teleportation is perfected.
Stephanie Faris said…
That's breathtaking. I didn't realize Canada was so beautiful!
TexWisGirl said…
love those green hills!
don said…
These are fine, beautiful landscape pictures. The video gives the viewer a feeling of being there.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Beautiful. The Canadian Rockies have a special beauty.
Kay said…
What a gorgeous place! We haven't kayaked in years - my husband prefers to row (and I run out of strength and steam). But this sure looks like a nice place to do it.
William Kendall said…
It really is a gorgeous lake!
This N That said…
Beautiful spot..Lovely pictures Beth..Hope you're high and dry..
What a beautiful place, and how fun to kayak out on the gorgeous water!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
Beautiful, I bet it is cold up there this time of year.

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