Canadian boat ride

we were waiting on the boat which would take us from "Waterton Lakes, Canada" to "Goat Haunt, Montana" we got some coffee, a snack and took in some of the area views. just enjoying the wait.

we decided to have lunch "Princes of Wales Hotel". i thought i had taken shots of our meal, but i guess i forgot. the hubby got "bangers and mash" (for you folks who are not familiar with this, it is sausages and mash potatoes), i got shepherd's pie. which included some beef and lamb.

more shots of the boat ride and the lunch walk to come. we were visiting this area in late August 2014. Beth ( :


Oh these are awesome. Bangers and Mash my Aunt would always order them in Victoria BC it is an English thing. LOVE the mountains. Hug B
eileeninmd said…
Great shot of the grand hotel, it is a beautiful park.. Have a happy day, Beth!
TexWisGirl said…
pretty area!
don said…
That grand hotel is so picturesque. I hope the food lived up to the looks of the place.
Linda Kay said…
That hotel has amazing architecture, and I love your pictures from the water, Beth.
This N That said…
That food makes it sound like you were in Ireland. Pretty pictures. Beautiful area.
Maggid said…
Looks heavenly . . . like a promise of warmth to come . . (brrr, chilly here . . )
betty-NZ said…
What an awesome hotel with great scenery! Can't wait to see more.
Wow! What a grand hotel. Sounds like a fun day.
George said…
That looks like quite a hotel. The entire setting is beautiful.
William Kendall said…
The architecture of that hotel certainly does appeal to me!
Michelle said…
Awesome hotel!
Yogi♪♪♪ said…
What a beautiful grand hotel. I love your lake shots also.
I'm a sucker for anything English!
Ida said…
Wow that is a fantastic looking hotel.
What an incredible building that hotel is!! xx

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