wildlife in Jasper National Park

For you wildlife folks who normally get out there and take photographs of animals, birds, anything that moves ... you have my thoughts, well wishes, pat on the back, whatever you want to call it. I guess i just don't have the patience to wait. I always seem to get the butt shots, not the face view I would be hoping for... I want to get the shot and move on. I don't want to wait. You should have seen the crew of people stopped to get these elks photograph. It was wild!! animal paparazzi? traffic jam?!! rubbernecking?!! what else do folks call that kind of mess??! 

Little did this crew of elk know that just a few moments ago the hubby & I were eating elk ...sorry guys. don't hate!!! Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Good Morning, Beth, it is not always about the photo but the sighting of the wildlife.. I always enjoy seeing the critters.. Have a happy day!
Anonymous said…
Terrific and fun photos for both these link ups, Beth. xo me
The Cranky said…
Nothing is cuter than moose caboose, unless it be elk!
TexWisGirl said…
some fine looking tall fences for those beautiful beasts. thanks, e!
I agree with Eileen, and the photo will help keep that sighting in your mind. Great place to visit!
Linda Kay said…
Hey, Beth, even from the butt side, I could recognize the elk, so no problem. Always fun to see the wildlife.
LV said…
Nice getting to see some of the wild life. Never been there.
Stephanie said…
Yes it is sometimes not easy to get the best candid shot of wildlife. You took some great shots that included some nice rustic fencing. Eating elk does not matter to me. It has been years since I had some.
William Kendall said…
Seeing elk or mountain goats in that park are one of the many pleasures of the place.
This N That said…
I guess I see more wildlife and I do pretty scenery like you do. Unfortunately it's usually squirrels, add birds. I guess we take pictures of what we see. You're lucky to have all that pretty scenery to photograph.
I would definitely have been one of the rubberneckers, but only long enough to pull over and try to get a good photograph. I've seen this type of road block a plenty in Yellowstone- but that's what everyone is there for- to get to see beautiful animals, up close and personal! Well, except for bears..I tend to stay in the car when we spot one of those. Have a super day!
Love the wildlife and the fences.
Nancy's Notes said…
Fabulous photographs of the elk and the land, oh my! Awesome!
Ida said…
How exciting to see these Elk. I'm a bit more (patient) I guess as I would have waited for just the right shot but hey there is nothing wrong with these at all. I've eaten Elk & Deer so I don't judge you.
Hi There, Seeing the wildlife in your photos reminded me of our trip to Yellowstone. We had more fun (including traffic jams) watching and taking pictures of the wildlife there. Fun!!!

You'll 'recognize' my blog post today...
Wildlife photography is a real skill, and you have to wait ages, so don't be so hard on yourself!! I am a terrible wildlife photographer!! xx
Ruth Hiebert said…
Seeing the wild elk is such a treat.They are a magnificent animal.
Cheryl @ TFD said…
You made me laugh with your comment about only getting butt shots! lol! Patience, dear, patience. That is what is needed around animals! Birds, too, for sure. Love your shots of the neat fence!
Beautiful elk, and great fence!
eileeninmd said…
Good Morning, Beth.. I am not sure if the feathers are soft..Thanks so much for linking up this week and sharing your critter post.. Have a happy weekend!
Maude Lynn said…
Ha! I get a lot of butt shots, too!
Unknown said…
Fabulous animals to see! Photos of wildlife rarely turn out as you want them to. :-)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful animals!
Linda said…
When I was young I thought it would be cool to be a wildlife photographer. Now I put out bird feeders and take pictures through the window!
When most of your pics are squirrels and backyard birds, the big beasts are irresistible!
Joe Todd said…
Great photos and post. Love Canada. I've spent a lot of time in Ontario
Anonymous said…
Your second shot is great! I'm not very patient with wildlife either. They always run away when I ask if they could turn and smile at the camera.

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