more from Twin Lakes State Park, Virginia

"Twin Lakes State Park", Green Bay, Virginia. It was a pretty day on 4/13/2015. One wish though - for more of a breeze. When you are working up a sweat on those waters, you need some extra air. The wind/breeze was not with us that day. Kayaking is a great way to see those waters and get some exercise. Can't wait to get out there again. I love kayaking. Completely forgot to take a video though. Next time I will remember, I hope. There were tons of turtles - all sizes - lined up on logs all over the place. Are turtles good to eat? No clue??! We didn't enjoyed the frog legs we had once. They were a special we had while out traveling, never ever again. Nope not for me, not much style. Elk is good. Bison is good. Alligator was different. Whatever else is weird, I am sure one day the hubby & I will try it once. We are odd like that. What you only live once!!!

What's your favorite sport or activity to do to get some exercise? Beth ( :


Anonymous said…
Beautiful scenery and yes, I imagine a cool breeze would have been welcome! Giggling here about my favorite kind of exercise.....typing on the laptop!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day. me
eileeninmd said…
Good Morning, Beth! I love the images of the lake and pretty reflections of the sky! I like to go canoeing and hiking. Happy Monday, have a great new week!
TexWisGirl said…
such pretty blues!
lynn cockrell said…
It looks so peaceful out on that lake. It appears you had a very good day!
Maggid said…
I have a friend, who is a true Southern gentleman, a Minister AND a Kayak Enthusiast. When he travels anywhere near water - he makes sure to rent a vehicle perfect for taking him to float off - out onto deep water . . . Then, he is a Happy Man.
This N That said…
Walking Mollie is my form of exercise...Pretty sky scapes..
William Kendall said…
Such a pretty spot!
Another perfect find!!...:)JP
Michelle said…
Walking on the farm or hiking in local parks/trails is the best. Great shots!
Stephanie said…
Beautiful scenery!
Ruth Hiebert said…
I love the way the clouds are reflected in the water.
Tanya Breese said…
beautiful beth...i've never eaten turtle and probably won't try it, or frog legs, but we did just see frog legs for sale at kroger the other day...i didn't pick any up ;)
EG CameraGirl said…
Gosh that blue makes me feel so calm and relaxed. :)
Jeanne said…
Such gorgeous reflections and also love the composition in your photos looking up at the sky. amazing all of the travels that you do! jeanne
Rose said…
I'd love to fish really looks appealing!
barbara l. hale said…
Gorgeous scenery! I know people take their camera on kayaks, but it would make me so nervous I wouldn't be able to move. I guess if there's no breeze, that might be okay. Never tried frog or alligator and I'm not sure I could get myself to eat turtle. But hey, you're right, we only live once!

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