Douthat State Park, Millboro, Virginia

On 6/28/2015 the hubby & I took a drive to "Douthat State Park", which is in Millboro, Virginia. Such a cool state park. It was an overcast kind of day. Very windy. So fun. I do wish to introduce to you "Violet" our newest Serta sheep, #60. She has violet eyes & violet ribbon around her neck. So cute. 10 total sheep. We have 3 girls & 7 boys. The girls are still outnumbered. Nuts!!! 

Please take a listen to this vlog of the day on the windy 50 acre lake. All sorts of hiking, biking, camping & water fun is to be had at this state park. Beth ( : 


eileeninmd said…
Helo Beth, very pretty view of the lake. Looks like a nice place and park to go paddling. Your Serta sheep Violet is cute. Have a happy day and new week ahead!
Beautiful and I rather like the sound:) Hug B
genie said…
Now, Beth...I do not know if I ever told you, but Buddy and I actually own Douthat State Park in our imaginations. We go there all the time and have post so many family reunion and birthday gatherings from there thru the years. It is 20 minutes from the house. Wish I had known you were going to be there. You could have stopped by the house. If you go back, be sure to let me know. I have been following you on FB. You’re staying quite busy. We are going to have to get together again before too long. Loved your pictures....were you in the kayak??? Bud and have never been ON the lake. When they drained it several hers ago to clean it, we all did go out trying to walk in the mud. Of course, I fell flat on my face and was covered from head to toe in mud. They wouldn’t let me back in the car. I had to walk back to the cabin. That was quite the adventure.
genie said…
I hope my comment sent through...I am having trouble getting used to using my computer again.
EG CameraGirl said…
I'd love to be in a kayak right now!
JaÅ›min said…
Very interesing church.
JaÅ›min said…
Very interesing church.
TexWisGirl said…
your sheepie made me smile. :)
William Kendall said…
What a beautiful view!
Michelle said…
A beautiful place and I love the sheep!
Kay said…
Very cute little lambie. What's a "Serta sheep" and how is it you came by 10 of them??
Debbie said…
What a gorgeous place, I always enjoy being near the water!!
This N That said…
Looks like a fun place to visit. Violet is adorable. You have 10 of them?
We have stayed in cabins at Douthat a few times. We love their hiking trails.
Rose said…
Beautiful are always showing places I would love to fish at!

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