High Amana General Store, Amana, Iowa

What do you need to know about this store? Lots of awesome goodies. The parents & brother loved all the items we have given them. jellies, jams, sodas & soaps. The lady there was super friendly, so helpful and had such great stories to tell us of the area. Do you want to visit the "Amana Colonies"? As you know when we travel the hubby does tons of research. Looking up what is a "must see" & all that jazz. We only really had time for the store & the Amana Woolen Mill (I'll show that soon), maybe next time we are in that area will have a chance to see more. Have you visited there before? Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, this Amana store does have a lot of awesome goodies. The soaps sound wonderful. I usually do the research on our trips and my hubby just goes with it. Wishing you a happy day and new week ahead!
Linda Kay said…
Beth, have been there. I find it interesting that a society of folks so closed to the outside world really knows how to market to us!
This N That said…
Looks like a great place to kill some time.
EG CameraGirl said…
Looks like a fun place to browse! Lucky you to have a hubby who likes to research ahead of time!
William Kendall said…
The old fashioned decoration really sets this one apart, Beth!
genie said…
You’ve gotta love the gum disposal thingy. I would love to have had that all those years I was keeping the suspension room.
I've been there many years ago on my way to visit my daughter who lived in Des Moines. It is a fabulous store! Amana Colonies has so many.
Stephanie said…
It looks like a great place to visit!
Lynn said…
I am a old gal after your hubby's own heart, research research :-), I have never heard of the Amana colonies and shall whistle back over to their site when I have a few more minutes to explore-so cool. You have such great adventures and I feel lucky that you share.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Looks like a fascinating place to visit.
Pamela Gordon said…
I love old time stores like this one. And I've heard of the Amana area but not sure where...perhaps in a magazine. My great uncle had a old time store in the village they lived in and I have fond memories of it. He even had a large glass case with a huge round of cheddar cheese in it. And glass jars with penny candy...the best part. :) I'm going to check out the link to Amana now. Have a super day!
betty-NZ said…
I really like finding places like this. It's quite a step back in time.

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