Antique Archaeology, LeClaire, Iowa
"Antique Archaeology, LeClaire, Iowa". "American Pickers" on the History channel with Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, & Danielle Colby. My fave was always Danielle, love all her tats & her silly fun attitude.
The hubby & I when we had cable would always catch the show, now that the cable is not around any more, only rabbit ears here folks, we have the chance to see any episodes we missed thanks to Netflix.
The saddest part of going to see this place, was that fact that none of the people from the show we around to say hey or whatnot, 2nd that what they show you on the tv episode is not what you will see when you visit their place of business there in Iowa, nope ... sorry folks it is all for show. not real. WHAT??!!!? We recently when to their Nashville, Tennessee location & it was so much more huge of a building, way more people visiting too, I will be sharing that soon. Beth ( :