Pioneer Tunnel, Ashland, Pennsylvania

Meet Bill, I rather fell in love with Mr. Bill. See his name tag? I thought he was super cool. We kind of match, why didn't I wear my black shirt too? We could have been twins. I just need a miners hat. Visiting the "Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine & Steam Train", Ashland, Pennsylvania was so fun. I love trains. Anything trains. Coal trains are the best-est. So we know President Obama as entertained the Pope & many other famous important folk in the world ...but has he ever visited a coal mine? Got to see the men who works these mines? The men, & I am guessing that women do the work too? But these folks are such hard workers & make me super proud to stay warm each & every year. Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, I love the shot of you and Mr. Bill! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Unknown said…
How cool! I love the old steam trains.
Linda Kay said…
I love old trains. Coal trains are familiar to me, growing up in Illinois not far from a coal mine. I could never do the work of these miners...way too claustrophobic! Have a good week, Beth.
EG CameraGirl said…
I bet Mr. Bill was delighted to be photographed with you...and pleased that you almost matched as well!
This N That said…
Mining is a tough job for sure..We burned coal when I was a little girl..Enjoying this beautiful fall??
genie said…
You and I are both in our posts this week. I guess great minds think alike :-) Gotta love Bill. Happy Halloween week to you. Sorry you were not with is at the Jeter Farm. It was a blast.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Sounds like a fun place to visit.Old trains have a special spot in my heart. My hubby was a railroad enthusiast.
William Kendall said…
Mr. Bill looks quite distinguished!
I have never visited a coal mine. I do like a good steam train though! xx
Michelle said…
You and Bill look like a great pair!
bj said…'s it going ? Hope all is good in your world....
Great photos
Pamela Gordon said…
That is a cute photo of you and Bill! We don't have any trains in our area now. ;(
Tanya Breese said…
what a neat place to visit and i like the photo of you and your new boyfriend ;)
Debbie said…
you and bill, such a cute couple!!!!
Cheryl @ TFD said…
I love the old trains. You and Bill look cute together! Have a nice day, Beth!
Rose said…
You make such a cute couple!
Suzy said…
I see that someone else loves old steam locomotives!

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