hiking at Ricketts Glen State Park, PA

"Ricketts Glen State Park, PA, Natural Area". Lots of waterfalls to be seen on this hike, just a gorgeous hike. If you look at the 1st shot ...those rock steps/stairs at the left of the shot are part of the hike. It is not for the weak. This is a leg/knee workout kind of hike. 

Check out the video from the day just below, there are lots of waterfalls, all sorts of size ...i bet it always is changing depending on the recent rain fall. We loved this hike. Are you a hiker? Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, great post on Ricketts. The waterfalls there are beautiful and wow those steps are a killer. Hubby and I have been there a few times, he loves these waterfalls. Thanks for sharing your visit. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Linda Kay said…
I'll bet you put in the waterfall video just for me!
Pepper Medley said…
What beautiful falls! The water looks cold!
Linda said…
Lovely! Pennsylvania has some beautiful mountain scenery.
This N That said…
I just love waterfalls. Beautiful pictures. Have a wonderful week.
Rose said…
It sure is a beautiful area....I couldn't do the workout.
Debbie said…
it's such a beautiful place, waterfalls might be my favorite part of any landscape!!
TexWisGirl said…
the falls are beautiful.
George said…
We hope to make it to Ricketts Glen one of these days. Thanks for sharing your visit with us.
Ruth Hiebert said…
That looks so beautiful.
Pamela Gordon said…
It looks like a beautiful place to hike Beth. I think I'd enjoy it if someone helped me down those steps. lol Have a great week!
Looks fabulous, Beth. Just imagine the challenge without the steps...
It looks really pretty there!
Lynn said…
I love waterfalls, this looks like a wonderful place to hike, I 'was' a hiker :-0 now I'm more a day walker nothing too too challenging. Last big walk was the Compostelle de Saint Jacques Trail, you might enjoy a peek and even doing it one day.
EG CameraGirl said…
Wish I were there!

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