Locust Lake State Park, Pennsylvania

"Locust Lake State Park, PA", what a fun place to stay. We got to see all sorts of creatures, this chipmunk was zooming all over our campsite. This robin (definitely a male) was really showing off ...whenever another robin would show off he would fly after them, scaring them away. He was determined to protect his home at no cost. We got to hike around the dam. Hope you will get a laugh at that sign like the hubby & I did... you are never too old to laugh a bit, right? Beth ( :

linking up to "Eileen's Saturday's Critters"


eileeninmd said…
Hello, Beth! Another pretty park, the lake looks beautiful. Pretty shot of the robin and cute chipmunk!

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
Rose said…
I have had this page open half the day...I just think chipmunks are the cutest. But they can be destructive, too. It has been a good long while since I seen a robin.

Re my header shot of the snowy barn--it has been up maybe a week....maybe a bit less.
Such a cute little chipmunk! xx
This N That said…
Great critter shots..Love the sign..
Stephanie said…
Super critter shots!
Sandi said…
Breathtaking shots!

Pretty sure I saw Nessie in that last one.
Michelle said…
Yes, that sign did give me a laugh!
genie said…
Shame on have deserted VA again...hehehe. This is a pretty area. Love the squirrel...or is it a chipmunk? I’m thinking its a chipmunk.
Unknown said…
Beautiful captures! I love the adorable chipmunk.
eileeninmd said…
Hi beth, always nice to see critters from you. I love the cute chipper! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
William Kendall said…
The little munk's interested in food! It looks like a pretty area.
The chipmunks are adorable. And that sign is pretty darn funny!
Debbie said…
LoƓks like a beautiful place and that sign is hysterical!!
Stewart M said…
I do like the little Chipmunk! And that sign on the dam made me laugh out loud! Do people never consider things may have more than one meaning!!!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: I like the posts on FB from bloggers - as they are often different from their blog posts.
don said…
i"m thankful there is something to laugh at. Nice series.
carol l mckenna said…
Endearing photos of the cute chipmunk!

Wishing you the magic and love of the season,
artmusedog and carol
Tanya Breese said…
cute little chipmunk and that sign made me lol! have a great day beth!
Oooh, dam beast! :-) Cute chipmunk!
lynn cockrell said…
Locust Lake looks like still another great place to spend an afternoon, Elizabeth. Looks like the little critters like it too. As for the sign, I thought it was just me having a naughty mind until I scrolled down to your final comments (lol). I thought it was comical too!
NatureFootstep said…
some lovely critters in the park :)

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