High Falls State Park, Georgia

"High Falls State Park", Georgia , such a rainy trip, I knew I wanted to take a picture or two with all my "Buffalo Rock - Golden Ginger Ale". Yes, there are a total of (8) - 12 packs. I am a lover of this ginger ale. The strange thing is, if you ask the locals of Alabama, where to buy this drink, they look at you, like what the heck is Buffalo Rock?? Buffalo Rock is part of the Pepsi company. Just a heads up Buffalo Rock, if you are looking for a spokesperson, I'm so there, call me, please! ( :

They will be given as gifts this Christmas & they will be enjoyed by little ole me too. I'm in ginger ale heaven. We did a bunch of hiking in this park, it was fun, but so rainy. You can see the flooding going on there above. In the AM when we were leaving, I go to put our lawn chairs into the vehicle to leave & some how... one of the chair legs must have hit one of the packs of ginger ale & one can go spraying all over the place. I quickly grabbed a red solo cup & poured it in, ever had hot ginger ale? Beth ( : 


eileeninmd said…
Hello, Beth! I have my own stock of Canada Dry 10 Ginger Ale. I like that it is only 10 calories. I cut out the sugary soda. I like your cute camper. Nice park, the river shots are awesome. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Linda Kay said…
Hi, Beth....the water there looks pretty muddy, so I guessed it was flooding and raining when I saw the pictures. I've never acquired a taste for ginger ale, but looks like you have a great supply. Happy New Year to you.
I have never heard of that ginger ale. I'll have to look for it.

Cute camper!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Your ginger ale story reminds me of when my adult son found out that he could buy Hershey's Chocolate drink mix in the US.He ordered a whole case full and got quite the looks when he got to the border to bring it into Canada.
Pamela Gordon said…
I love your little travel trailer! So cute. I also like ginger ale and there is a good brand made here in New Brunswick called Sussex Golden Ginger Ale. Canada Dry owns the company now and makes the famous Canada Dry as well but I like the smooth 'golden' ginger ale best. Happy New Year to you Beth!!
Quite a ginger ale party!! xx
Aodhnait said…
I love your camper!!!
William Kendall said…
As far as I know, this type's never been sold north of the border.
This N That said…
Nope..never had hot ginger ale..Doesn't sound enticing..Water level looks a little high!!!Have a happy week..
Michelle said…
LOVE the camper!
Cindy Saul said…
Oh now thus us something new. I have never heard of a ginger ale party! Haha!
I've never heard of that Ginger Ale --but I'm glad you found it... When I find something I love (and cannot get here)---I try to stock up also.

When we travel, we try to eat foods from that area. Recently, we stayed in the Charleston area for a night... I just HAD to have some low-country Grits and Shrimp... We found a restaurant to go to --and I loved my serving of Grits and Shrimp... I don't like grits at all anywhere except there.... Their grits are AMAZING.

Cheryl @ TFD said…
Such a cute camper you have! And you are a cutie standing there with your ginger ale!
Tanya Breese said…
i love your striped awning! i hope they let you be their spokesperson ;) happy new year beth!
genie said…
You and your ginger ale and the rains. Quite the combination. One is bright and yellow and other dark and grungy. I am a ginger ale girl Bive Whole Food in C’ville own 365 brand. It s is very gingerly. You will like it.
Lynn said…
Love your trailer and your haircut :-)..
Ida said…
Never heard of Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale (I'm a Canada Dry) gal.
Looks pretty rainy there.
Rose said…
Is that your camper behind you!!!! It is so adorable. I have never heard of this gingerale!
Stephanie said…
We have Canada Dry Ginger ale here and it tastes pretty good. Great shots!
Anne Payne said…
I adore your camper! Looks like you had fun despite the rain. It's sure been a drenching season for it.
lynn cockrell said…
I love ginger ale too but I don't remember ever hearing of Buffalo Rock. The water in the river looks mighty high. That camper is so doggone cute!

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