Hoh Rainforest, Hall of Mosses trail

This post is in memory of my friend: Tina Forrester aka. "CameraGirl". She and her husband were lost this week in a tragic car accident.

Here is her bloggy link if you would like to see her outstanding photography:
"East Gwillimbury CameraGirl, Exploring Central Ontario (CANADA) ... and beyond".

We both shared such a love for travel & photography. You will be missed. Rest In Peace, great "CameraGirl", RIP! ( :

Where do we even start?, I continued to say to my hubby throughout our trip to Washington, Oregon, northern CA back in August 2015, that I wondered how I could take a picture of the whole tall tree? The trees in in the eastern US are huge, but the trees out west are gigantic, massive, huge!! There are .... THEY ARE!

...how do I even begin to show a picture of these awesome trees?

I don't own a fancy camera just a normal point and shoot. How do I express to you the magnitude of how tall these massive trees are? they are huge!!! & will you even get how many years, how many snows, how many wind storms, rain storms they have struggled through. It brings tears to my eyes. I am so blessed, so lucky to have seen these beauties in person. I hope these shots do you justice, do them justice. They are strong and mighty trees. 

(or maybe it is because I am listening to "Vincent" by Don McLean. As a senior I took an art class & my teacher would play that song often, it is one of my favorites, I'm sure you know the painting... "Starry Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh. right?) Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, The HOH rainforest was one of our favorite spots in Washington. We went back a few times to walk the trails. The trees are giants. Great post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
TexWisGirl said…
just beautiful. love the moss. yes, tina is missed.
Linda Kay said…
We are looking forward to a trip north and west from Texas, all the way out to Washington and Oregon this summer. I look forward to those tall trees, as we have seen some in northern California.
Lynn said…
beautiful, when my parents took my Grandmother through Wash, Ore; and into California all she were the trees, she took her photos laying down in the middle of trails and the roads, in 1956 the traffic wasn't what it is today. I love this area...which compares with the coast of BC :-).
Jenn Jilks said…
A lovely tribute. I love your greenery. It's so cold, still.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!
don said…
I like the look of these trees and the way nature further decorators them.
William Kendall said…
Tina is missed. What a magnificent area to hike through!
This N That said…
Lovely trees. I love the Moss...do you know what kind of trees they are?
lynn cockrell said…
I am sorry to hear of the death of your friend and her husband, Beth. I visited over at her blog and she has some awesome photography posted there. Your pictures of Washington, Oregon and CA are wonderful. Those trees are almost surreal looking, like something out of the Hobbits. What a great post!
Ruth Hiebert said…
The beauty and size of trees is amazing and humbling all at once.Your pictures are wonderful.
Gosh those trees are just amazing!
Rose said…
I would love to have seen them in person...
Jeanne said…
Very nice tribute to a lost blog friend! I like to stand under the tree and take a photo looking straight up
Breathtaking said…
Hello! Nice to meet you too!:) Stunning area for walks with all those gigantic trees, and lush vegetation. They are beautiful, and so are your photos.:)
carol l mckenna said…
Lovely tribute to EG Camera Girl and awesome nature photography!

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^
genie said…
Beth, it is so sad. We have all been touched by it. As I have said to other bloggers...we go along each day, day after day, never stopping to think our lives could be snuffed out in a split second. My heart breaks for both families. Yes, the trees out there are huge. Did you see any feeder trees? The ones that are down and from which new one sprout. You mentioned on my flower post that those darn flowers used to do a job on your hands when you worked in a flower shop. Well, girlfriend...I can top that one. I was teaching school, my mother-in-law died in 3 weeks from a diagnosis of cancer, and I was forced to quit teaching and operate a flower shop for the next years...ways too long...without a clue when I started. I soon learned that when I was greening up funeral sprays I was allergic to the lacothia (sp???). The plumosis (sp???) was not as bad. I had to wear gloves when I made the sprays and when we did the old timey blankets for the caskets I really suffered. There was NOTHING about that shop that I liked. I made it about 5 years and then on Valentine's Day when we were at the top of the lists for FTD and Teleflora I threw in the rag. I told my husband I was quitting...closed the darn place and returned to my teaching. Gotcha Girlfriend.:-) Is there a day we could meet next week for lunch and games??? I am tired of waiting. g
Christine said…
That is an amazing forest & I hope to visit one day!
Phil Slade said…
A lovely tribute to Tina our fellow blogger. "Vincent" is a favourite of mine too. Such a heartfelt tribute to a genius of art.
Debbie said…
ooooh i sure can see/feel your tree dilemma. your images are so pretty.....and such a sweet tribute to tina, i hope she knew how much we loved her!!!
Ida said…
A beautiful tribute to Tina and her husband. Such a sad loss.
The fence was nice but those trees were even nicer. We do grow them big here in the PNW. Loving the moss draping on them.
Oh Beth EG would love these photos. They are truly beautiful. HUGS B
Ruth Kelly said…
I followed her blog - she will be missed. Love the mossy trees. Don't have them in Utah.
Revrunner said…
Back when I visited the rainforest last, it hadn't rained for a long, long time.
DeniseinVA said…
I remember going to a place like this when we were visiting the northwest. It was south of Seattle and a place I would love to go back to one day. Seeing the Redwoods again in northern California is also on our bucket list. Your photos are a sight to see and a very special tribute to a dear lady. Tina will be very much missed by all of us.

Thank you for stopping by. You asked a question of why I started a new blog. It was because there were enough comments letting me know that it was so slow loading up, and as it was very photo heavy I thought it was a good time to start a new one. Since doing so the comments have been favorable. I am not sure if this was the only reason but starting a new blog seems to have done the trick.

Have a great weekend Beth :)
My sincere condolences; what a tragic loss.
As to photos of trees, lay on your back and shoot straight UP...that'll give a very different perspective. Your photos are fabulous anyway; you don't need pointers (even though I stuck my big nose in anyway -grin-).
RedPat said…
Your pics of the rainforest are wonderful!
Magnificent trees, Beth. And a lovely tribute to E.G.
Anonymous said…
These are beautiful! Adding people helps to envision the enormity. Tina will be missed. I like that song, too.
What a beautiful tribute to our wonderful blog friend. We lost so much when we lost this wonderful couple. Sweet hugs, Diane
Lois said…
We will all miss Tina and what a lovely way to honor her! Those trees are beautiful.
Celestina Marie said…
Beautiful post, photos and words for Tina. She will truly be missed. Her talent touched so many. Have a nice weekend ahead. xo
Linda said…
Nice tribute. Beautiful trees!
Hootin Anni said…
Heartwarming, beautiful tribute!!
Gayle said…
Those western trees are a wonder. Enjoyed your photos. 'Join the NAVY and see the world" didn't apply to us but our son's 20yr enlistment afforded us the opportunity to see parts of the U.S. that we may have never visited. The CA Redwoods are magnificent.

A lovely tribute to Tina. What struck me was her perfectly normal last post and then reading the news. Those kind of things just stops you in your tracks. That was followed by the news that Sally of Blue Monday has also passed.
People we may not have met but that touched our lives. May each of our blogs do the same.
GreenComotion said…
Hi Elizabeth,
I haven't been to the HOH forest, but I can feel your love for nature and photography through your photos. Thank you so very much for visiting me and mentioning our blogger friend Tina.
BTW - the depth in the 3rd photo is mesmerizing.
Have a Happy Weekend!
Peace :)
And what a beautiful tribute it is Beth.
A great forest of trees almost touching the sky and reaching out to Tina and her husband!
This is when I ask myself "what's it all about" losing two precious lives.
Take care - she would be proud of these photos.
Maggid said…
love, love, love, love
Anonymous said…
Beautiful images of the trees. This is a very nice tribute to Tina. She is certainly missed by many.
Cindy Saul said…
Omg! I just realised that I've never seen a forest in real life. How sad is that? This looks magical!
Stephanie said…
Tina is deeply missed by all that knew her in blogland and in her real life of friends and family. I find it sometimes impossible to capture our huge trees here on the west coast. Great shots!
Unknown said…
Magnificent trees! I love the moss.
Tony McGurk said…
Moss on trees always looks fantastic. I love moss on anything as it just adds such a wonderful aged look.

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