
Showing posts from March, 2016

Historic Columbia River Highway, Oregon

Latourell Falls Sheppard's Dell Bridal Veil (video below) Multnomah Falls (gorgeous weather, tons of people every where, mid afternoon.) Multnomah Falls (pouring down rain, grey, maybe 3 people walking around,  5 including the 2 of us. early AM.) Horsetail Falls (video below) Elowah Falls (long hike, but well worth it when you get to the falls. video below.) If you know anything about me, you will know I love waterfalls, ALL waterfalls are great in my book. Since I was wee high to a grasshopper, I've seen pics of "Multnomah Falls" in travels books, I wondered if I would ever get to Oregon to see it, I never imagined that I would have the chance to mark it off my list.  I did narrow it down to 1 photo of each of these amazing waterfalls, please know their are tons more, but that would clog up the blog-sphere for years. Please don't miss out on the videos too, I would have loved to have...

Vista House, Crown Point State Scenic Corridor, Oregon

Such a gorgeous vista, all high up and you can see for miles. Click this link for more history and info about the  "Vista House, Oregon" . What a view. Please enjoy!! It was a small parking lot with lots of folks visiting. Several gift shops (& bathrooms too!) are located throughout the Vista House. Beth ( :

Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon

I don't get why they call it "Haystack Rock", I have seen folks who pile up their hay like this, but to me it looks nothing of a haystack? Hay is nice and soft, this is a hard tough rock with lots of seagulls and seagull pooh on top. Just saying??!  Please enjoy the video from that day. So windy, an overcast day, & all the amazing sea creatures we got to see, which was so fun. I did try to get up close with a few seagulls, but they were not having it!! Guess they don't like getting social with people unless you have food?! All I wanted was a good picture??! Is that too much to ask? Beth ( :

Ruby Beach, Washington

What a gorgeous beach. We always make sure to check with the locals of where to go before we leave the state, & Ruby Beach was a must see for sure. Just amazing views to be seen. When we 1st got there the fog was there, & then it just rolled away in a very short time walking to the beach. it was wild!!! Very misty fog. Just amazing!!!  Check out this video of our walk along the beach. Enjoy! Beth ( :