Historic Columbia River Highway, Oregon

Latourell Falls

Sheppard's Dell

Bridal Veil (video below)

Multnomah Falls (gorgeous weather, tons of people every where, mid afternoon.)

Multnomah Falls (pouring down rain, grey, maybe 3 people walking around,  5 including the 2 of us. early AM.)

Horsetail Falls (video below)

Elowah Falls (long hike, but well worth it when you get to the falls. video below.)

If you know anything about me, you will know I love waterfalls, ALL waterfalls are great in my book. Since I was wee high to a grasshopper, I've seen pics of "Multnomah Falls" in travels books, I wondered if I would ever get to Oregon to see it, I never imagined that I would have the chance to mark it off my list. 

I did narrow it down to 1 photo of each of these amazing waterfalls, please know their are tons more, but that would clog up the blog-sphere for years. Please don't miss out on the videos too, I would have loved to have gotten a video of the Multnomah Falls, but there were just too many people every where, you could hardly breathe, bumper to bumper walking traffic. 

For lots of info and historical facts check out this website "Historic Columbia River Highway" part of the Columbia River Gorge. Hope you enjoy your visit today, take care. Beth ( :


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, wonderful collection of waterfalls photos and video. The Coloumbia River Gorge area is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your visit. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
Lynn said…
great photos Beth, and I enjoyed the videos plus I see that you've changed your about me photo I love it ..
Sandi said…
These shots are extraordinary. I felt like I was there!
TexWisGirl said…
George said…
Thank you for taking us with you along this beautiful highway. We haven't made it there yet, but it is definitely on our 'bucket list'. Your photos and videos are marvelous.
This N That said…
Beautiful waterfall. Great shot hope you had a nice Easter Beth
Rose said…
I have always loved waterfalls, too. These are gorgeous. Will come back later to see the videos....
Ruth Hiebert said…
Gorgeous picture.These falls look amazing.
William Kendall said…
What lovely waterfalls!
Unknown said…
Wonderful photos and videos of all of these waterfalls. They're all magnificent.
Stephanie said…
All lovely to look at.
Gorgeous- I love waterfalls and it's a rare day that I actually get to visit one. Thanks for sharing these pics.

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