Mazama Campground, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

"Mazama Campground" at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, views from our campsite, that little birdie was trying to hard to get a treat, silly bird, gorgeous colors he did have, but he has learned from some where that humans will give food, a big NO NO!! All I gave him was a talkin' too, he finally flew off. & of course took his picture, he is so famous now. Talk of the bloggy world he is. A "Stellar's Jay". I am guessing similar to a blue jay that we have here in Virginia.

Enjoy this video from the campsite, almost like you are right there with us. It does include bird & fire noises. Beth ( ;


eileeninmd said…
Hello, I love the campfire and the Stellar Jay is a beauty. Great photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!
This N That said…
Jays are not the least bit shy..Pretty bird!! Beautiful camping site...I could use that fire right now..Chilly today..
Linda Kay said…
Love the campsite, and the bird is beautiful. Thanks for identifying it.
William Kendall said…
That Stellar's Jay is quite a beautiful bird, and inquisitive!
Ruth Hiebert said…
That campfire in such a place of beauty looks just perfect.
A handsome one too, Luv Muffin! That campfire looked pretty sweet too...cozy...:)JP

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