Biedenharn Museum & Gardens, Monroe, Louisiana

"Biedenharn Museum & Gardens", Monroe, Louisiana. Want a 5 cent Coke? They have them at this museum. I always think it is interesting now different Coke tastes, depending on if you are drink from a can, bottle, restaurant, etc.?

"In 1894, Joseph A. Biedenharn, a country businessman in Vicksburg, Mississippi and owner of the Biedenharn Candy Company, made a world changing decision. In order for his customers outside downtown Vicksburg to have Coca-Cola, he had his brother Herman put Coca-Cola into Biedenharn bottles, making the Biedenharn Candy Company the first to ever bottle Coca-Cola. Today, Coca-Cola is sold in more than 200 countries.
Under Joe's leadership, his brothers, sons, and grandsons, established plants in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, and Arkansas eventually becoming the ninth largest bottling corporation in the United States." 

The lady pictured was our tour guide in the museum, she was super sweet. Did you know that they made a Coke bottle to look like that dress in the picture? So cool, sadly it didn't last. Oh well, it was a great idea. Very creative. Did you know that plastic bottle start out as those tubes? WHAT??! really, I love learning. Hope you enjoyed learning too!

We were only allowed to take pics of the gardens, none within the home. There were so many amazing pieces of art and furniture that I wish I could share with you, you really must make a visit asap. You will love it! Mr. Biedenharn was a super smart man, what a great idea!! I wish I could think of something so unique. Come on brain, work with Beth. ( ;


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, Thanks for sharing your tour of the museum and gardens. Looks like a fun place to visit. The gardens are beautiful. I like the fountain and statue. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!
TexWisGirl said…
the dress was goofy. :) the tubes are cool!
Ruth Hiebert said…
The gardens look lovely.
This N That said…
Interesting. I remember bottle Coke very well. Yes it always did taste differently depending on whether it was at the soda fountain or out of a bottle. Have a good week, Beth
William Kendall said…
What a beautiful garden!
Unknown said…
The garden is beautiful. I like the old glass bottles. They're a lot pretties than the plastic bottles.
Amazing! I didn't know about the tubes then bottles. I wonder how the tubes become tubes!

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