Dr. Pepper Museum, Waco, Texas

"Dr. Pepper Museum", Waco, Texas. Many folks are shocked to hear we love all sorts of soda. They just assume since we are Coke fans that we would never drink Pepsi or other kinds of sodas. But we do. What's your favorite beverage?

I so want a pair of those Squirt cowboy boots, aren't they just the coolest thing you have ever seen? Real stylish. Don't you think that the museum will at least allow me to borrow them??! Thanks for visiting today, hope you are well. Take care. Beth ( :


This N That said…
Cool boots!!!
That's just the coolest thing. I am a huge Dr Pepper fan. Those boots are pretty cool, too. I'm thinking they might sic the cops on ya if you try and take them for a stroll! LOL! They are cute though, aren't they?!
TexWisGirl said…
never a dr. p fan. but folks in texas are quite devoted.
William Kendall said…
I tend to vary between Coke, Pepsi, Crush, and Dr. Pepper. I had no idea there was a museum!
Stopping back by to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY...belated, just in case I forgot to tell you earlier.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Those boots are cool and would look good on you. I am a diehard Pepsi fan,but also enjoy fruit flavored pop,orange,grape and even fresca.
Looks like an interesting place to visit! I am a diet coke person!
Unknown said…
Neat boots, thanks for the post!
Michelle said…
Not a Dr. Pepper fan, but I love those boots!
Tanya Breese said…
did you know roanoke is like the dr pepper capitol? supposedly the sales are highest here and i believe it...i had never seen so many dp drinkers as i have here! i like almost anything...whatever i am in the mood for! i can totally see you wearing those boots!
Busy Bee Suz said…
The boots are amazing!!!
I thought Texas was ALL coke. ALL day.
My favorite beverage? Water or Wine. LOL!!!
eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth, cool museum. I used to drink diet coke all the time. But, I stopped all the cola drinks. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!
Shilpa said…
Hi , a great post . Best wishes to you

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