Roses at Hershey Gardens

Hey there! The roses at Hershey Gardens, Hershey, PA. On their website the gardens tell ya "Stop & Smell the Roses! 3,500 bushes in 145 varieties!!!" Well, we did just that, lots of using our noses. Some of them had scents that I wish I could share with ya ...why don't they make smell-o-vision? Wouldn't that be great!!! Do you have a favorite color when it comes to roses? Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are well. Take care. Be Well & Be Blessed! Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…
Hello, Beth! The Hershey rose gardens are lovely. Beautiful collection of flowers and photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!
Debbie said…
we visit hershey at least once a year and the gardens are amazing. you have captured the essence of the rose gardens well in your images. so many beautiful colors, your images are beautiful!!!
Michelle said…
Those are beautiful!
Ruth Hiebert said…
This is a post that seems just made for me. Do I have a favourite color of rose? If it's a rose,I like it, in any and all colors.
George said…
The roses are beautiful! I think this rose garden is larger than the one at Biltmore. We'll have to add this to our 'bucket list'!
Cheryl @ TFD said…
Hi Beth, thanks for stopping by. The roses are simply beautiful. I love roses but the only kind I'm able to grow are the Knockout variety and they don't have much scent to them. I'm sure these smelled heavenly! I would love to visit Hershey Gardens some day. Take care and have a nice week!
William Kendall said…
Those are a delightful sight!
Rose said…
I love them all, I love deep,dark red ones and yellow ones are probably my favorite...but then there are the pink ones. I LOVE them all I guess.
Blogoratti said…
Really bright and lovely set of flowers. Your photos are great. Greetings!

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