Crescent Hill Baptist Church, GA

Crescent Hill Baptist Church circa 1922. We were visiting a Casita rally staying at the Riverbend Campground in Hiawassee, GA. It was a gorgeous church so I told the hubby we needed to stop there on the way back to the campground. We made a stop and took some pics ... of this beauty. I was hoping for some more info online ... one website said it was circa 1872. So I am not sure which to believe. I am just telling you want the church actually had on the building. Not sure where the website got it's info? But it was very interesting to read and all that jazz.

"Crescent Hill Baptist is nestled in the North Georgia foothills overlooking the picturesque Nacoochee Valley, carved out over centuries by the headwaters of the Chattahoochee River.  The church also overlooks a historically significant ancient Indian mound built by the Mississipian Indian culture known as ‘Moundbuilders’.  The mound is a famous local landmark that was formally excavated in 1915 by a team of archaeologists headed by Frederick Webb Hodge and George H. Pepper. George Gustav Heye wrote a book about the excavation, The Nacoochee mound in Georgia, with Hodge and Pepper, which was published in 1918.  The excavation uncovered 75 human burials, including 56 adults, seven adolescents, and four children, and eight bodies that were too degraded for their ages to be determined."

Linking up to "InSPIREd Sunday", Enjoy this beauty. THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for stopping by. Hope you are well this weekend. Take care. Be Well & Be Blessed. Beth ( ; 


Rose said…
That really is a beautiful little church! I am glad you took photos. Maybe the original church was the earlier date and maybe something happened and it was rebuilt at the later date.
Lovely church, lovely architecture.
Very beautiful photos.
Blessed Sunday.
Tom said…
...Beth, you found a lovely white country church. Finding information online can be so difficult.
Marcia said…
It has a nice prominence on that hill though the steeple looks like they ran out of money.
eileeninmd said…
Hello, Beth! What a pretty white church! Lovely photos. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.
I loved all the great place names!
Gorgeous little church! Would love to know more about its history...strange the difference in dates given. I would go with what's on the church, I think. Interesting info about the Indian Mounds site as well.
Blogoratti said…
What a fine structure filled with character all round. Greetings to you.
Michelle said…
A beautiful, classic country church!
Linda said…
Charming church, such pretty details! The info is interesting too. I don't think you'd be able to excavate all those bodies today because it is disrespectful to their descendants.
VioletSky said…
This is such a pretty church,
though I must say, what makes it really interesting are the incongruities - the steeple and the single shutters that don't match the windows!
Billy Blue Eyes said…
Beautiful little church you found here this week
William Kendall said…
That is a lovely church.

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