"Bar U Ranch" , National Historic Site. Established in 1882, it was huge ranching operation "even more info here." . if you know anything about me, you will know I have always wanted to live on a farm, own a farm, have horses, cows, dogs, cats, garden, fields, quiet & peace the whole 9 or is it 10 yards. I want a mountain view like in the movie "Legend of the Fall" . so when we got the chance to visit this location I really enjoyed seeing how the ranchers came in a took over the whole ranching/cattle business. it was hard work, long hours but if you had the right team you would do just fine. the shot over the campfire is a pot of coffee & hot water. the lady, let me see, i think her name was Greta, that could so be wrong but it is what is popping in my head this moment. she was great at telling the story. these men would all do different jobs. the chef would run with all his team ahead of the folks to set up and get ...
Backbone Rock Tunnel, Shady Valley, Tennessee "spur ridge on Holston Mtn that abruptly ends at a bend in Beaverdam Creek. tunnel was drilled through rock in 1901 to allow railroad access between Shady Valley and Damascus, Virginia" Hey There, don't ya love it when you are driving along and find a neat spot? …this tunnel was a busier road, got to see it from both sides of the road ...very cool. Unique location, must see!!! Hope you are well today. How's life? Any cool news you can share? Funny stories??! Thank you for stopping by today. See ya again really soon. Be Well. Beth ( ;
This post is in memory of my friend: Tina Forrester aka. "CameraGirl". She and her husband were lost this week in a tragic car accident. Here is her bloggy link if you would like to see her outstanding photography: "East Gwillimbury CameraGirl, Exploring Central Ontario (CANADA) ... and beyond" . We both shared such a love for travel & photography. You will be missed. Rest In Peace, great "CameraGirl", RIP! ( : Where do we even start?, I continued to say to my hubby throughout our trip to Washington, Oregon, northern CA back in August 2015, that I wondered how I could take a picture of the whole tall tree? The trees in in the eastern US are huge, but the trees out west are gigantic, massive, huge!! There are .... THEY ARE! ...how do I even begin to show a picture of these awesome trees? I don't own a fancy camera just a normal point and shoot. How do I express to you the magnitude of how tall these massive trees are? they are huge!!! & will you...
Thank you for sharing the world all around.
love & love,
Thank you for sharing - keeps dreams alive, ya know.