Gunn Creek Campground, Illinois

Gunn Creek Campground, Address: Golf Course Dr, Whittington, IL 62897, Phone: (618) 724-2493. We were at this park for 6 days and the weather was always changing ... one day warm, cold, freezing, so much wind we thought we might blow away ... it was wild!! But the hubby who prefer water front sites was so thrilled. We got to see so many amazing sights at this party ... eagles, birds of all sorts, but you know what was funny a camper friend said ... "Did you notice there are no squirrels?" I had not even thought about it... there were NO SQUIRRELS??? what, really? it was true. Lots of birds, tons of birds ... from all size .... SMALL to LARGE ... but no squirrels ... doesn't that seems odd? The sunsets were amazing!! More side trips from this view soon. Enjoy! Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Be Well & Be Blessed!!! Beth ( ; 


Sandi said…
I love early morning camping wake-ups!

Wait. WHY are there no squirrels?

William Kendall said…
It looks idyllic!
Ruth Hiebert said…
I'm sure you saw some amazing sights.Sunsets and lakes go hand in hand.
Linda said…
Lovely photos! The water looks refreshing.
eileeninmd said…
Hello, lovely view of the water and sunset. No squirrels, that is weird.

Happy Sunday, enjoy your day!

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