Virginia Creeper Trail

HEY THERE! Hope you are well today. Let's enjoy views from our biking trip on the Virginia Creeper Trail. There are numerous spots to jump off your bike take a moment to breathe, time for a lunch break, take some pics, jump in the water or smell some wildflowers. This time there were so many little kids riding with their parents, usually it is teens and adults. Fun to see so many folks enjoying the day. The water was so chilly, the hubby was brave enough to take a walk through, NOT ME!

If you will notice I had to stop by the 40 sign ...each year for some reason I started the tradition to stand by the birthday number (how I came up with it? I have no clue, but little kids do, so why shouldn't we enjoy our new age, I am trying to deal with it, growing use to the BIG 40, I am working on it!!! I know it is not that big of an age ...but I am digesting lots over it all. LOL!) ...the last time I did this was way about in my 38th year. I sadly did make it to this state park for my 39th year of life. The hubby was joking with me, it is so tough to get a shot when there are so many riders buzzing by. I didn't wanna die by biker!!!

Check out these old views from past trips: "Oct 31, 2016""Sept. 17, 2015" & "Sept 14, 2015" (those dates are when I did post not when were did visit, just so you know. Maybe it will make you wanna make a planned trip, you will so love every second, making lots of memories, be sure to take lots of pictures!!)  So fun. Be Well & Be Blessed!!! Beth ( ;


eileeninmd said…
Happy 40th birthday! Love the pretty scenes and photos. All I can say is enjoy your life each day, the years go by quickly. Enjoy your day and week ahead!
Happy 4th of July!
William Kendall said…
What a beautiful area!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Beautiful area. Just enjoy that 40,soon enough the numbers will get bigger.I know, because somehow, mine have crept up, while I wasn't paying attention.Life is still good.
Linda said…
Looks like a great place! The creek is gorgeous.

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