Bicycle Museum of America, Ohio

The Bicycle Museum of America, 7 West Monroe St. New Bremen, Ohio, 45869, (419)629-9249 -
So many bikes, so many unique ones to see and just drool over. Are you a bike fan? If you can remember your childhood, what was the must have bike of that year, I bet it is here in mint condition. So fun!! Harley Davidson made bikes, not just Harleys??! Who knew? So many creators, just so so much history. Are you a history buff, I don't remember all these dates, maybe you could or can? Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care!!! Beth ( ;


William Kendall said…
That last one is odd!
Ruth Hiebert said…
Fascinating stuff. I never have mastered the art of riding a bike. My parents were very poor when I was young's a bike was not an option.Oh wallaby now it really doesn't matter.
Linda said…
Wow! Does that last one actually work? It is beautiful.
Rose said…
Wow, I bet that was a fun museum to visit!
Sandi said…
Is this in Ohio because of the Wright Brothers? Before planes, they made bicycles!

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