Bily Clocks Museum Churches

hey there, Linking these churches up to "InSPIREd Sunday". Check it out. ( ;

I had to share these 2 churches from the Bily Clocks Museum in Spillville, Iowa. If you did miss my 2 other blog posts about the museum, please do go catch up: 
These 2 brothers really were amazing, such talents. Some parts move, dance, sing, have music. If you are ever in Iowa, you should totally stop by. What a great visit we did have. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day!! Take Care. Beth ( ;


eileeninmd said…

The churches are beautiful. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy week ahead.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Appropriate pictures for a Sunday. Have a great day my friend.
William Kendall said…
These are wonderful.
Rose said…
I cannot imagine the time it took to make these....or is the correct term build?
Linda said…
Clearly they were InSPIREd!
Debbie said…
both are so beautiful!! i would imagine it would require a lot of time and patience to create these. i enjoyed this series. i don't think i will ever be in iowa...but if i am, i would definitely stop by!!

on another subject, your camp site is really cute!!
Billy Blue Eyes said…
That took some work to make but they are superb. I changed the name of my blog a few years ago
Tom said…
...this must be a mighty diverse museum, good to see you sound.

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