Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, MN

Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
725 Vineland Pl., Minneapolis, MN

Not sure which I love more ...so many amazing pieces of art ...I really think that ART is just something you all will have a differences of an opinion on ...you know??! Sometimes you will just connect with it and understand it ... but then others you just don't ...and that is totally okay. I just love how this rooster just stood out so well against those yellow blooms. What a gorgeous day!!! So many bees buzzing around ...what a day! taken in Sept 2019. THANK YOU for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Be Well & Be Blessed!! Beth ( ;


eileeninmd said…

I would love to see this sculpture garden. Love the blue rooster.

Enjoy your day, have a happy new week ahead.
This N That said…
Love the Rooster..I'l bet they have a lot of cool sculptures..The cherry is clever..Have a Happy Thanksgiving...
Jenn Jilks said…
These are so much fun!

Neither of us are well. Hubby gave me his cold. I got it worse, though. sigh.
I'm looking forward to the next week.
Ruth Hiebert said…
These are actually sculptures I can enjoy. That blue rooster is definitely a stand-out.
Saimi said…
Thats what great about art, it can be anything. I love those sculptures and that blue rooster, wow, it really makes a statement! What a fun walk about!! Have a great week!
Linda said…
Looks like a place I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing.
William Kendall said…
Your third shot is my favourite.

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