Seelye House, KS

Seelye House
"Luxurious 25-room 1905 mansion & gardens"
1105 N Buckeye Ave, Abilene, KS

As you can see from the last few weeks we were super lucky to get to see lots around the area of Abilene, Kansas because we were there in Sept. 2019 for a trailer rally. We enjoy so many local spots ...and old-timey hardware store that the Eisenhowers did visit. A donut shop, Mexican restaurant. I might not have taken pics of these places but they were just so fun. I bet it would really be gorgeous here during the warm months, all the blooming plants and flowers? A few tidbits I will give ya ceilings on porches often are thought to keep birds from poohing every where? Wonder if it works??! In the dinning room there is a spot under where the lady of the house sat, that she could step on that would buzz the servants to let them know she needed something asap! Don't wait, her guests need more food, drink or dessert maybe? Apparently during the Christmas season, the owner of the home now has a "nutcracker" collection that can be see throughout the home, they did invite us back to see that. Would be fun, but sadly Kansas is pretty far from Virginia ...not just a hop skip and jump away!! Maybe you can see it for yourself, let me know if you get there? Lots to see in Abilene, Kansas. Thank you for stopping by today, hope you are doing well. Be Well & Be Blessed!! Beth ( ; 


Jenn Jilks said…
It is so majestic!
Ruth Hiebert said…
I want to live in that house. Of course, only if it comes complete with a maid and cook.
Linda said…
Great scenes. I love the curved railing in the second picture.
You saw a lot of interesting things in Kansas! We toured an historical mansion in a very tiny town on the Oregon coast that had one of those buzzers. It had been the home of a man who owned a huge lumber mill and his home had looked down on the mill and the little houses that the workers lived in. Ha! The good old days, huh?
Beautiful house but I was looking for more of the trailer rally! lol
eileeninmd said…

What a beautiful place! The trailer rally sounds like fun.. I hope you are well. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.
Tanya Breese said…
What a beautiful old home! I always heard that blue ceilings on porches kept the "haints" away...maybe that was a Georgia thing!
Debbie said…
it is stately and beautiful!! i like that little bridge in the back yard, and the garden that surrounds it!!

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