Ransone's Drug Store

Ransone's Drug Store
19771 Main St, Buchanan, VA 24066

first stop a day at the end of June 2020: "Big Otter Mill, Bedford, VA", second stop: "Appalachian Trail, Big Island, VA" and the third stop: "Buchanan Swinging Bridge". This spot was the final post of that day. Actually they were seen in a totally different order in real life (drive time, you know how those wheels roll) ...I did arrange them differently here on the blog. 

They sure don't make these kind of drug stores any more, now do they??!! Such character!! We got a turkey sandwich and a chicken quesadilla, 2 drinks ... and took those 2 go. I was not there, I waited in the car ...I will say ...you do what makes you comfortable, I keep saying that to my friends and family, it is just such an odd time, work with what you feel is right and do what you can ...I don't feel always comfortable doing public situations during these "mask wearing time", so I don't always go (if I get a feeling i just chill out) ... thanks 2 the hubby he was my savior there. I enjoyed seeing these shots that the hubby took, so awesome 2 see. ENJOY!! 

Thanks, for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Beth ( ; 


MarmePurl said…
We still had a couple of these in Luray.. Then came Walmart.
eileeninmd said…

Sounds like a nice day and outing. I loved these old time drug stores that had the food counters and booths. We had one in my neighborhood when I was young. It was a hang out spot. I do not mind wearing the mask, I leave it off while hiking. Enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!
Ruth Hiebert said…
That is too cool. I vaguely remember a drug store from my early childhood and they had an ice-cream bar.I don';t need to tell you that I enjoyed going there, as I usually got some sort of treat.
Linda said…
Oh, we wound up there back in 2011. It looks like drug stores did when I was a child. Nostagia!
Debbie said…
we can still find "replicas" in this area, but not the real thing. we have one we visit, it is just a restaurant, but it looks similar to the restaurant part of this one!!

i know how you feel about all of the changes. i think masks are 100% necessary, and i always wear one if i am out in public. but if the hubs can take over, i let him and i stay in the car!!

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