Zumbrota Covered Bridge

Zumbrota Covered Bridge
Zumbrota, Minnesota

"Constructed over Zumbro River in 1869 Cost $5,800. 
Original site highway 58 about 1,000 feet from present location."

Hey there, sad to say this is the LAST of the "covered bridges" in Minnesota. Am I the only one that truly can feel a dragger to the heart when hearing that statement?? Can you imagine??! SHOCKER!!! Wow, I can say that I honestly don't get what the world is coming to ...what "kids these days" enjoy and don't enjoy, it really blows my mind and I wish I could understand and see there end result and so in so. What about history? What about where we came from? What made us who we are today? All that jazz. YOU KNOW??!?! 

I am so so so happy that Zumbrota, Minnesota has taken the time to restore this ONE COVERED BRIDGE and is keeping it in good condition.... I just wish they had done more to the others who did not survive. Thank you for stopping by. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ;


eileeninmd said…

I love the covered bridges, I am glad this one was restored.
Great photos. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!
Jenn Jilks said…
It's a beautifully preserved one. We have a couple around here.
This N That said…
It's a shame that some covered bridges have been allowed to deteriorate..This one had obviously been restored and happily so..Have a good week...
Ruth Hiebert said…
Looks great.. I have never seen a covered bridge inreality, but I think they are pretty neat.
Barbara Rogers said…
I've always loved these bridges...and I really appreciate your going inside and photographing the structure. It reminds me that men made this with their hammers and nails, so they could easily pass over this river as they needed to. Minnesota needs to be more respectful of it's bridges...all of them!
Linda said…
We only have about half a dozen left in Virginia. They tend to get flooded away and are replaced by higher, wider bridges.

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