Pine Creek Mill, Iowa

Pine Creek Mill 
Muscatine County

"In 1839 the Iowa Territorial Legislature gave the first authorization to Benjamin Nye to build a dam across Pine Creek for the development of waterpower and to erect mills. Mr. Nye built three mills in this vicinity. This mill was erected about 1850 and restored in 1932. This area was also the site of the first post office in Muscatine County. Mail was addressed: "Iowa Post Office Blackhawk Purchase, Wisconsin Territory." " (plaque message located on the grist mill)

"Pine Mill Bridge & Pine Creek Gristmill, are the only place in
Iowa where a mill & bridge combination remains in place..."

This is part of Wild Cat Den State Park, in Iowa do get to see so many amazing sights all in one spot, loved that, gorgeous area, such a lovely day ... "Melpine School No 5", Pine Creek Mill, and the steel super structure bridge. Be sure to bring your picnic lunch and still a spill. Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…
Hello Beth,

Pretty views of the creek, bridge and mill! Take care, have a happy new week!
Jenn Jilks said…
I suppose the mills are disappearing, if they aren't being looked after. A lovely record, here.
Barbara Rogers said…
That bridge is neat, and it's interesting to see a wood railing and bed, as well as chairs it looks like, on a steel superstructure. So Mary's little lamb got in the photo too...or somebody's anyway! What a great park and so glad those historic structures have become a park.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Green leaves and green grass looks so inviting right now.
Linda said…
Great pictures! Very scenic. Who's you little friend?
William Kendall said…
Wonderful shots of these structures.
Debbie said…
such a pretty spot!! and a wonderful idea to bring a picnic, that's 1/2 the fun!!

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