Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail, TN

 Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail, we were camping out at Lock A Campground, 

1797 Cheatham Dam Road, Ashland City, TN

This trail is at the back of that campground, so it was super cool, most folks who have stayed there didn't even know it was there, once you get to riding you might as well get to the end. Some folks were biking like us, other just walking, great for photography ...amazing sights. Birds, fishing, whatever to be had. So we went about 7 miles give or take about 14 miles total. Which is not something we do on the daily, so my muscles were like HELLO the next day!! LOL!! But it was still fun and later on, I realize I had gotten a flat fire, that was like an what in the world did I run over??! Thanks, for stopping by. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


This N That said…
Looks like a nice ride..Sorry about your flat tire..That makes things a little difficult..Pretty area..Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
George said…
We walked along part of that trail many years ago. It is a very scenic trail.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Beautiful trail. I can understand those achy muscles.
Linda said…
Looks like a fun trip. I just had a flat tire on my car... pretty stressful.
William Kendall said…
A good spot for wandering.
MarmePurl said…
I love that area. Thanks for sharing

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