Brown County - Bridge #36


Brown County - Bridge #36 - Bond Cemetery Road of Green Valley Road

We were staying at Brown County State Park and trucked on over to this gorgeous bridge, it is closed of course, but so pretty to take some pics of, not much parking so don't take too huge of a vehicle there. LOL!! So fallish. Sept 2020 we were there checking it out. Thanks, for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…

The bridge is in a pretty area, I like all the greenery!
Have a great day and a happy new week!
Ruth Hiebert said…
You got some amazing shots. It is a very photogenic place.
Maggid said…
This looks so beautiful . . . I'd like to explore with my pupster.
Thanks for sharing.
Linda said…
You are the bridge queen! Awesome.
Michelle said…
I like these shots very much. This looks like something I would find in my area.

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