Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum

 Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum, Solsburry, Indiana

What is ART? What does that mean to you personally? Ever thought about it. I have apparently a totally different thought about it, since in was in high school ...never agreed with my art teacher. She never enjoyed mine, whether she didn't think I got the point of her lesson or what? But I don't believe that ART can be taught do what you feel, it is an inner thing, how you feel, see it, and then wham it comes out in whatever form you wanna too ... paint, craving, brushes, ink, tattoos, whatever, you can express yourself in many ways ... I really enjoyed seeing these but I must admit I was curious on the back story on many of them ...why did you do this or that? Makes me even more curious-er??! Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care, Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…

I love the sculptures, looks like a nice walk.
I wish I was creative! Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week!
Linda said…
Interesting. And yes, art comes from within the person who makes it.
Jenn Jilks said…
This is fabulous! We've one about 5 hours away, we visited and it was closed. Thankfully, we were there for other reasons, but it would've been fun!
Ida said…
Well I must say those were definitely some different type sculptures. I find them artistic and weird at the same time.

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