Saco River Covered Bridge


Saco River, West Side Road, Conway, NH 03818
Built 1890.  Gorgeous area there in Conway ...lots of shops and restaurants to check out. New Hampshire is such a lovely area. Day trip or more if you have the time. Thank you kindly for stopping by today. Hope you are well. See you again soon. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


eileeninmd said…

Pretty covered Bridge!
Take care, have a happy day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.
This N That said…
Looks long for a covered bridge..Pretty far for a day trip..LOL..Hope all is well..
William Kendall said…
That one is a beauty.
Ruth Hiebert said…
If only I lived closer to such a lovely place, but then I would live farther away from my home, and I like where I am. Have a great week.
Linda said…
Nice one! I remember New Hampshire as being beautiful.

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