Saint Joseph, Indiana

Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Indiana

I was trying to figure it out, it was a real mystery, seeing the stain glass windows all boarded up, never seen a similar situation like that, if they were restoring a church, it would be a huge sign "saying new look soon or something??????!!!!!?!?" the hubby and I we thought maybe they had a fire ...but after chatting with them on FB messenger ...I found out that they are working on restoration project, glad to know it was not something like vandalism or a fire??! Please go to this link to know more, what steps they are taking, if you wanna donate or just be nosey like me (LOL!!) Thank you, for stopping by. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ;

linking up: "InSPIREd Sunday"


Sandi said…
Glad it is being restored and not abandoned!
William Kendall said…
Restoration makes sense.
Ruth Hiebert said…
It's good to see that this old building is being restored.
Jenn Jilks said…
Maybe it is for sale?
Jim said…
Magnificent bell tower.
Billy Blue Eyes said…
I came across a church where the stained glass had been taken out because of a structural crack in the wall
Linda said…
Glad you found that out.

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