Punkyville, Falmouth, KY
"Charles "Punky" Beckett has built his own scaled down retro town" ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR, let's hope that 2022, will be a great one for us all. Got plans? Leave me a comment tell me what ya got planned for 2022? So curious.
I always love it when we find these scaled down towns that someone is willing to share ...I mean why not share and let others enjoy as well. Very cool. I loved the old mailbox. Next step up. Check it out!! ENJOY!! Thank You, for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care, Beth ( ;
For 2022:
Driver's Ed for the oldest
And the SAT
and a homeschool co-op, I hope.
It's been a couple years of isolation for us. I am an introvert, but even I am eager to rejoin the collective. 💙
We've no plans, other than keeping warm. It's snowing and soon I'll have to blow the snow.
Being retired, we are just coping.
Happy new year!