The Fairfield Foundation
"CARP" : Center for Archaeology, Preservation, and Education
6783 Main Street, Gloucester, Virginia

The hubby took a day trip to see his boat, I was busy, he did go with Dalton for lunch. It is always fun to see folks using old buildings for new purposes. VERY COOL!! Love the cuteness. SUCH A FAN!! Hope you are well this week. Any news? Take Care. Beth ( ;


Jenn Jilks said…
I got all excited, we have a nearby town names Carp!
That is excellent, and a great thing to have.
William Kendall said…
An unusual use.
Ruth Hiebert said…
Lovely. Have a great week.
Linda said…
Marvelous! If I get down to Gloucester again, I’ll try to see this.

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