Covered Bridges of Indiana


Thrope Ford Bridge - 1912

built by: JA Britton

"northeast of Rosedale, Indiana" 

it made me smile to see the amount of these bridges that were dealt with 

...maybe put onto the national register in 1978 ...what a great year!!!!

Nevins Bridge - 1920

built by: JA Britton

"crosses Little Raccoon Creek, southeast Catlin, Indiana."

Neet Bridge - 1904

built by: JJ Daniels

"J.J. Daniels had a long career as a bridge builder starting in southern Ohio in the 1840's. 

He died in 1916 age of 90."

McAllister Bridge - 1914

built by: JA Britton

"Burr Arch structure that was built by Joseph A. Britton and Son. 

144 feet long, 16 feet wide, 14 feet high."

Crooks Bridge - 1856

built by: J. Henry Wolfe

"Burr Arch Truss structure that crosses Little Raccoon Creek, southeast of Rockville, Indiana"

Billie Creek Bridge - 1895

built by: JJ Daniels

We took this drive seeing all these covered bridges in 1 day, I figured since they are all so close together, why not share on the blog, all at once. Fun to see the similarities and differences. What a ball. Kind of rainy. Enjoyable trip. You have to go with the flow, if it rains you have to deal and just enjoy that trip no matter, what??! I am laughing due to how I did input the pictures; you think that the picture will stay in that order, but blogger (google) has a mind of its own. Oh well. All good. 2021. Hope you are well this week. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


Linda said…
Great post! Yes, Blogger does not post pictures in order. If I want a particular one to show up as the thumbnail, I’ll post it first and then go back and add the other ones underneath it.
William Kendall said…
These are wonderful

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