Antique Boat Museum
Antique Boat Museum, 750 Mary Street, Clayton, NY (315) 686-4104
"... preserves, interprets and celebrates boats and related artifacts to advance public understanding of the importance of boating to the cultural history of North America and the St. Lawrence River..."
"displays the largest collection of antique and classic boats in North America"
"From humble beginnings as a riverside gathering of antique boat enthusiasts ... "
The hubby has heard of this museum from multiple boat friends, and we just had to check it out. I am so glad we did!!! This museum was a great "rainy day trip", as a traveler you need to have a "rainy day plan". Camelot is great, but it's not realistic ...we all wish for rain only at night, wouldn't that be great??! ...camping and rain sadly they happen together quite often. Don't sugar coat it, as they said, it is something that happens, and we have to adjust to life's challenges, be able to fly, jump or whatever needs to happen to keep it fun and entertaining. I appreciate BOATS but they are not my go to for finding enjoyment, excitement or laughter: LOL!! I am being silly, but I am feeling you will know my point; I will always go to places that I can appreciate but it doesn't mean I longed to visit or go there. I guess it is all in what you love and wish for in life. RIGHT? What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy? I would think if you visit on a different day you might see other folks working, they have multiple buildings, but a few were not open the day we were there ...maybe they will be open when you go??! Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ;