Austin Dam Memorial Park
"Around 3,000 people were in Austin that day, and the catastrophic failure of the dam resulted in the death of 78 of them and roughly $10 million in property damage."
built in 1909, the largest dam of it's type in PA at the time.. .served area "Bayless Pulp and Paper Mill"
They there lots of more tidbits from Wikipedia ...why is it when you wanna share a link of a website it acts weird ...and doesn't do properly, sorry but the link I did try to share wouldn't share (has any 1 noticed, I have tried using MSN browser and then Google browser ...and found that if I wanna comment on your blogs that I have to use Google ...but a lot of the times MSN will say we refuse to go to certain websites, I know they are not harmful but MSN just will not go?? Do you get it? So I will go to my cell phone and do it from there weird? confuses me. What about you??!!?!) ...any who............................ .. .. if you wanna learn more about this area please do check their website out interesting I didn't know ...did you? Always enjoy learning ...what an interesting bit of history. I wonder if folks learned from this mistake, can not imagine sounds like their were more stories from the event ...if I recall correctly ...there was a madam who saw it all happening and did alert the town folk and got them to safety ...wish more of them had been saved. Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely day. Take Care. Beth ( ;
I did not know about this dam. Pennsylvania has had some terrible dam disasters.