Codorus Furnace


Codorus Furnace

4045 Furnace Road, Mt. Wolf, PA 17347

"Erected in 1765 by William Bennet, of the Declaration of Independence, during the Revolutionary War. This site is the oldest remaining landmark of the iron industry in York County."

On the side of the road, I still think it is funny how history often is on the sides of the road, going along be missed by so many, you have to be observant and be aware of your surrounds, you never might know what you are missing out on seeing??! ...please take the time to see these amazing spots, making it a bit tough to get on and off from the parking area can get there I don't mean you can not but you have to be patient and enjoy the view while all the traffic gets out of the way ...and proceed to get back onto the road. Hope you are well today. So glad you did stop by. Have a great day! Take Care. Beth ( ; 


Rose said…
Hey, I just got back to blogging for a bit...don't know how long it will last. I am trying to do every other day on both blogs. Went for 1 1/2-2 years where I hardly blogged any just because of medical things with husband.

This was a terrific is funny what you miss if you don't pay attention. And then sometimes I see something but no way of knowing the history of it.
Jenn Jilks said…
I love your little friend!!!
Ida said…
That is a really interesting piece of history. I think you got some great pictures of it.
This N That said…
Codorus park! I know it well I don't live very far from York. Always an interesting place to visit. Enjoyed your pictures. Have a good week.
Linda said…
Interesting. We have some old iron furnaces here. Have you been to Elizabeth Furnace? I should hope so since it has your name!

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