Lock Haven Levee Trail, PA
I think what was so nice about this area, the amount of vehicles that would stop for you a BIKER to cross, I mean there are crosswalks, and maybe that folks around there are just use to folks needing to cross ...but we found it odd??!! I know sometimes there are rules about "crosswalks" and the folks using them, not sure. But they would really nice around there, wanting to be sure you could keep on biking across and not have to stop for them the vehicular traffic. Now the hubby and I are struggling to figure it bike ride out ...folks were walking and biking ...very great area of the PA state ...easy to ride ...not hard on the knees or other silliness. But you see that PA has plenty of biking paths and figuring it out now is kind of making our brains hurts. LOL!!! This was very fun bike path to see ...lots of businesses you could stop and investigate ...a bike shop but at the time of our visit was closed. It was just an industrial area of PA. So very cool. A great ride. Really had fun, was sad when it ended ... restrooms are in the parking area, so it is perfect. Eat a lunch, take your coffee ...whatever you so enjoy and desire for the days taking. Take Care. Thank you for your visit today. Hope you are well. Beth ( :