Sandstone Falls


Sand Stone Falls

"found within the nation's 63rd national park, sandstone falls is the largest waterfall in the New River Gorge National Park & Preserve. spanning over 1,500 feet wide, large series of falls is divided by a collection of small islands."

Such a gorgeous area, I know when we first visited this falls, it was not apart of the newly made national park that is fun to see it now that the National Park is all fancy and so on. LOL! Really was a gorgeous day when we were there, a bit of a warmer day (humid) and we did get some water to drink ...but so worth the visit. amazing. Thanks for stopping bye. Hope you are well. Chat with you again soon. Take Care. Beth ( ; 


Jenn Jilks said…
I like seeing falls, large or small! There is something about moving water.
Linda said…
Yes, we visited there before it was a national park. Was it a state park? Something like that.

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