Rend Trail


Rend Trail, West VA ("Thurmond" view - 2 miles) first day of biking

W.P. "Paddy" Rend, a determined coal operator, financed the construction of this to his mines at Rend (renamed Minden after 1905). Started in 1901, 4.83 miles, 5 trestles, and $350,000 later this line was completed in 1904. Soon after completion Paddy Rend sold the rail line to the C & O Railway and his coal rights to another mine operator for $1,250,000. 

Construction of this line was anything but easy, Blasting rock necessary to widen the roadbase for the railroad line. Look drill marks as you cross some of the trestles.

Last train in 1968 - a few years before the rocks separated from the hillside. today this trail serves in transportation corridor for determined hikers, bikers, and wildlife. Plants narrow the trail and gravity will always be in...

(Please realize the sign was kind of curved so some of the words are not there, hope this make sense to you, if not maybe add a word or 2 to make it all sink in correctly?)

(LORE - I share this because I found it kind of interesting, to take it as some what reality ... can you  imagine?? after home and reading the signs that we did take pics of this was so cool. & to think how difficult it might have been back in the day, this picture of myself and this story make a bit more sense to think that folks didn't have bikes or whatnot to help (assist) them in daily life, make you think? right??!) 

"Imagine hiking the trail in November, with no shoes or warm clothing. In 1755, during the time of the French and Indian War, early pioneer and settler, Mary Draper Ingles was taken captive from her home in VA and taken to Kentucky. She escaped and found her way home using river corridors. Her trip didn't come this high up the gorge but locals often refer to this trail as the Mary Draper Ingles trail in honor of her trek through the gorge and her determination to defy obstacles and return home."

"Legend has it that on September 6th, 1901 construction crew had just finished blasting a section of rock, when the dust cleared a perfect profile of President McKinley appeared on the cliff. Later that day a telegraph came in at Thurmond stating that the President had been shot in Buffalo New York. He died 8 days later. You can still see the profile."

(I can see that it has a profile but I am not seeing the President but it sure is a fun read. VERY COOL!!! Amazing how folk lore gets started, all the gossip, ideas and thoughts. wow!)

Now I don't normally like to pick photos of myself that the hubby takes that are not really flattering ... HINT HINT!! But the point being ...see that stair case ...we had to go up and down ... on both sides of that rock slide ... so up and then down (2 different stair cases, going up and down staircases is not a big deal, but add on there your carrying a bike lifting it a good ways, 'cause you don't wanna mess it up, so that was nuts!!) ... going and coming back ... my bike is probably (guessing here, I don't have scales to be able to weigh a bike, do you? lol!!) about 65 lbs. So I am breathing hard and trying to not die. (I was chatting with my brother Billy, who works with a lot of folks who mountain bike, but this seemed to him not to be the norm when it comes to mtn biking, so I'm curious why these paths we took in West VA were so rough, are they just needing some upkeep or what? If you know please let me know. Curious?? either way it kick our butt big time. We are so not use to this kind of path. LOL!! laughing even today, wild times!!!) Kidding but not. I was sweating. He was sweating. Now it was not as humid at Virginia ...but still it was late August 2024 so it was not the coolest weather. So fun but a work out for sure. Enjoy it. Have a great day. Thank you for stopping bye. Hope you are well. Stay tuned. Beth ( ; 


Linda said…
Yikes, I don’t think I could carry a bike up the stairs. They should have an extra railing and a system of pulleys so you could just slide the bike up there or something.

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