Helmcken Falls, Canada

Helmcken Falls, this waterfall is amazing. If you wish for measurements, this one is 121 meters (that is a lot of meter sticks?? right??!) & Niagara Falls (are they measuring the US side or the Canadian side?? hey, seriously??!) is 52 meters. Does that mean anything to you math folks? Of all the waterfalls within this area this one is a must see. If you have just a few moments to spare ...this one beats them all. You can see the steam, fog & mist ...the power is amazing!!! Can you imagine it in the snow? They had pics of it online & on a billboard at the waterfall site, I don't think Canada is some where to be when it snow? But I am not sure??! Listen to that video below. You will be amazed!! Promise! Check out the video. Must see!! Beth ( :