wildlife in Jasper National Park

For you wildlife folks who normally get out there and take photographs of animals, birds, anything that moves ... you have my thoughts, well wishes, pat on the back, whatever you want to call it. I guess i just don't have the patience to wait. I always seem to get the butt shots, not the face view I would be hoping for... I want to get the shot and move on. I don't want to wait. You should have seen the crew of people stopped to get these elks photograph. It was wild!! animal paparazzi? traffic jam?!! rubbernecking?!! what else do folks call that kind of mess??! Little did this crew of elk know that just a few moments ago the hubby & I were eating elk ...sorry guys. don't hate!!! Beth ( : linking up to Theresa's for "Good Fences" and Eileen's for "Saturday's Critters"