
Showing posts from May, 2024

Fonta Flora State Trail

  Fonta Flora State Trail Linville Access Area 5575 NC - 126, Nebo, NC 28761 "the trails connects Morganton to Asheville with a hiking and biking trail. Included in the trail is a loop around Lake James. traverse Lake James State Park, part of Pisgah National Forest and Fonta Flora County Park in Burke County. connect to Overmountain Victory State Trail and the Mountain-to-Sea State Trail. approximately 100 miles long." A fun ride. We did take the time to eat a lunch meal with that blue water view, so gorgeous!!! Glad to share it with you, are you a nature person? Can you enjoy it with some food or a beverage? Can you see inside the bridge ...very cool effect. neat-O!!! Love the artistic feel, don't you?!??! It's the little thing folks. Did you get your exercise today? Sure hope this helped your health today, being silly but it was fun to share with you. Take Care. Be Well. Beth ( ; 

Durham, North Carolina

Gene Dillard's Fantasyland, Durham, NC  "Strange Carolinas: The Travelogue Of The Offbeat" Can you see the house? Totally covered in mosaic, neat, don't ya think? Very cool. I wonder what it looks like when the sunshine hits it? When we did visit it was a bit more of a dull dark rainy day. Still way cool to see it. Awesome!!! West Point Mill, Durham, NC "is a reproduction off the historic gristmill on the Eno River in north Durham, NC. The mill and other historic structures are preserved in the West Point on the Eno city park. The mill operates as part of a free tour on weekends, with mill-ground meal and flour available for purchase..." We did visit this park in two different times, once with my hubby and then another time with my parents after the reunion when we did decide to walk off the meal we had just eaten. We felt full and needed to work of the belly ...taking a hike but come to find out the bridge that we would need to cross was closed, we found an...

Codorus Furnace

  Codorus Furnace 4045 Furnace Road, Mt. Wolf, PA 17347 "Erected in 1765 by William Bennet, of the Declaration of Independence, during the Revolutionary War. This site is the oldest remaining landmark of the iron industry in York County." On the side of the road, I still think it is funny how history often is on the sides of the road, going along be missed by so many, you have to be observant and be aware of your surrounds, you never might know what you are missing out on seeing??! ...please take the time to see these amazing spots, making it a bit tough to get on and off from the parking area can get there I don't mean you can not but you have to be patient and enjoy the view while all the traffic gets out of the way ...and proceed to get back onto the road. Hope you are well today. So glad you did stop by. Have a great day! Take Care. Beth ( ; 

Lock Haven Levee Trail, PA

  I think what was so nice about this area, the amount of vehicles that would stop for you a BIKER to cross, I mean there are crosswalks, and maybe that folks around there are just use to folks needing to cross ...but we found it odd??!! I know sometimes there are rules about "crosswalks" and the folks using them, not sure. But they would really nice around there, wanting to be sure you could keep on biking across and not have to stop for them the vehicular traffic. Now the hubby and I are struggling to figure it bike ride out ...folks were walking and biking ...very great area of the PA state ...easy to ride ...not hard on the knees or other silliness. But you see that PA has plenty of biking paths and figuring it out now is kind of making our brains hurts. LOL!!! This was very fun bike path to see ...lots of businesses you could stop and investigate ...a bike shop but at the time of our visit was closed. It was just an industrial area of PA. So very cool. A great ride. Real...