
Showing posts from December, 2021

Big Bone Lick

Big Bone Lick State Historic Site Union, KY "...the name of the park comes from the Pleistocene megafauna fossils found there. Mammoths are believed to have been drawn to this location by a salt lick deposited around the sulfur springs..." What a fun visit, you can walk to the bison area and several other hiking trails. Great exercise if you so chose??! It was humid day. Thank You for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ;

Jasper City Mill

Jasper City Mill, Jasper, IN Gorgeous well kept mill, love that when it happens. It is a real piece of art. We visited two days during our 6 day stay in area. Once for just pictures, 2nd time when we had some burgers and did stop in the park near the mill to eat and enjoy the view. Great area. Check out inside of the mill ...nice views, they have items for sale ...a fresh clean restroom 2. Must see location. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; 

Odon, Indiana

Odon, Indiana when I zoom into my photo everything gets really grainy ...but I feel I can see "Catholic", "16519 1550 N,", that is a street sign and a number??! ...but I can only find a Christian church there??! (But this is a not a huge area, so you cannot go street side view to get a real great view??!) I will try again soon. Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; Linking Up: " InSPIREd Sunday "

Paoli Bridge

Bridge & Iron Co Cleveland O 1880. Paoli, Indiana I was trying to research the location of this bridge for this post and found this interesting article to share: I am beyond SHOCKED, as to what happened way back in 2015. We did visit in May 2021. I am curious what the trucker was thinking to think he was short enough to even get through this bridge, always read height and weight requirements, we sure do with our truck and trailer combo? We love this fancy bridge, all those amazing details. WAY COOL!! Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are well. Take Care. Beth ( ; 

Jungle Jim's Fairfield

Jungle Jim's, Fairfield, Ohio I have lost track of how many times we have traveled to this amazing grocery store ...I believe 4 times. It just has so many amazing items ...candies, syrups, tomato sauces, fruits, veggies. We love to go and get items for Christmas presents is just a blast. We spent over 3 HOURS there, it is that big. We had lunch, celebrated with my Starbucks free drink for my birthday on May 23. We rarely are around a Starbucks for my birthday, they only allow one day ...where other stores allow you to celebrate you big day all month long. NOT STARBUCKS, one day only. So that was nice to finally get my FREE drink. These pics are critters that talk ...the Campbell Soup man there swings with the little kids beside him. It is just super cute and fun. Once they even had a pantomime. Not during out visit this time May 2021 ...but it was super busy ...don't believe we have ever been on a Sunday ...never again. It was TOO BUSY. People every where...