Reddish Knob, West VA.

Route 25: Reddish Knob Road out of West VA ...will lead you along a road ...that gives you such amazing views in West Virginia ...back into Virginia. You are driving through George Washington National Forest. Just lots of looking back and forth between the left and right side of the car. Look at all that moss ...spring is coming slow to the upper trees of these mountains. We met on the way up some teenage boys (I'm guessing their age, could have been older or younger?!? I do wonder when you make choice, do you think it has to do with your age or do folks who are older they make rash or wild decisions as well?? I am not making judgement or anything either way ...I just mean some choices I made as a kid to go cave exploring ...I might not do it today like I did back in the early days of my life, was I more adventurous or what is different? Are you similar or what??! Curious.) any who ...they were getting ready to skateboard? Curious what they had in mind? Down the roa...