
Showing posts from February, 2024

Pretty Place, SC

  Fred W. Symmes Chapel aka "Pretty Place" Camp Greenville, 100 YMCA Camp Road, Cleveland, SC 29635 (864) 836-3291 "The Lord God Planted A Garden In The First White Days Of The World, And He Set There An Angel Warden In A Garment Of Light Enfurled. So Near To The Peace Of Heaven, That The Hawk Might Nest With The Wren, For There In The Cool Of The Even God Walked With The First Of Men. The Kiss Of The Sun For Pardon, The Song Of The Birds For Mirth - We Are Nearer God's Heart In A Garden Than Anywhere Else On Earth.  -- Dorothy Frances Gurney In Loving Memory Of: Marjorie Roberts Cottingham: 1916-1984 Arthur Hallan Cottingham Jr.: 1911-1993 By Their Sons" (This is seen on the side of the church, a plaque, I wanted to share it with you ...what a perfect place to praise the Lord and be so thankful for all our blessings, this view and be alive another day.) Hey There!!! I think it's just amazing when you are driving ...

Old Man's Cave, Ohio

  Old Man's Cave "This recess cave was named for the "old man" Richard Rowe, a recluse who made the cave his home in the 1800s and is a part of the scenic Hocking Hills State Park, Hocking comes from the Wyandot Indian word "hockhocking" referring to the Hocking River's bottle shaped gorge near Lancaster. Streams and percolating groundwater carved the hollows and caves in this area from layers of sandstone bedrock that vary in hardness. The hollows moist, cool climate preserves more typically northern tree species such as eastern hemlock trees and Canada yew, which have persisted since the glaciers retreated 15,000 years ago. " I was reminiscing about travels and photos that we have taken in the past the ones you can hang on your wall. Remember when you would get photos developed folks do that any more???! Any who nowadays you just have a cell phone and have pics on there, but at lot of the times I don't keep them, I will go in and ...

Rock Mill, Ohio

 Rock Mill & Rock Mill Covered Bridge 1429 Rock Mill Place NW Carroll, OH 43112 What a beauty, don't ya think? I think of the best we have ever seen, so many amazing angles to check out. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please head to that website for more historical info (if like me you are super curious and wish to know more, shocking!!! Well done my friends, so cool!!!) and amazing bits about this gorgeous beauty ...shocking to think how so many mills just fall down, falling into our history and completely forgotten all together and apparently so many folks in this US could careless. So thankful (the hubby and myself) that there are amazing folks who are willing to donate their funds to keep it alive and have indeed brought back to this amazing condition. We were in the area of Ohio ...where "Old Man's Cave" is located, this is not our first visit to that area of Ohio ...we love Ohio ...such a great area. Thank you ki...

Hendersonville, NC

  HenDough 532 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, NC  (828) 595-2885 They are also in Greenville, South Carolina as well, Just a heads up there, in case you are dying to try them when out and about in the states!! This post in a bit of this and that of the NC area, figured I pull them all together, like we did when staying in this area, you were able to easily travel to and from... & as I always say there are plenty of sights we didn't see, maybe you can add them to your travels ... we got 3 or 4 donuts, coffee and a breakfast sandwich to enjoy. They had lots of items to purchase, we were not liking the cost though. $$$ They were fun to see and take some pics of... LOL!! Mill House Lodge 1150 W. Blue Ridge Road, Flat Rock, NC (800) 736-6073 This room was apart of this lodge, it was an Air BNB, amazing how little of small you need to live, who needs all that extra space, so much more to dust, and keep clean...  perfect spot to take in the local must see spots, r...